Author: spiralmode

Everyone loves getting together with family and friends and having a good time. Arguably, one of the best times to do so is during the summer. The weather is nice and warm. The days are longer, and the evenings nice and refreshing. This is why...

There are a lot of things that aren’t taught in public schools, or at least not taught very well. For instance, who actually learned how to pay their taxes in high school? Another example would be what bail is exactly, and how it works. Most...

Near the beginning of this year, Californians began hearing rumors that they may be able to vote on splitting the state into multiple states. The measure would break up California into three new states. The idea behind this is that California is too large and...

There are many terms out there that most people mix up. Often times, these terms are closely related and describe similar, yet different, things. The terms are often used so closely together that people begin to assume they mean the same thing. A good example...

Whenever certain holidays roll around, you can bet that you will start to see more DUI checkpoints. This is due to the fact that more people drink alcohol around these holidays, and then proceed to get behind the wheel of a vehicle. Police officers know...

There are a lot of closely related terms out there that many people believe to be synonymous with one another, even when they aren’t. A good example of this would be the terms jail and prison. Most people assume that these two terms can be...