Bail can be expensive, but bail bonds can be manageable when you have a customized payment plan. to learn more, simply call 510-761-9934 or meet with a local bail agent at 540 23rd Street, Richmond, California 94801.
Are you afraid that you may not be able to afford your loved one’s bail? Have you considered getting a bail bond? Bail bonds only cost 10% of the full price of the bail, making them 90% cheaper than the bail they are based on. That is a huge discount, but it gets better at some bail bond companies.
Sometimes, 10% of the bail can still be too much for some clients, which is why some bail bond companies, like Richmond Bail Bond Store, allow their clients to pay for the bail bond with a payment plan. This breaks up the cost of the bail bond even more, and divides it over several months.
At Richmond Bail Bond Store, we like to take it a step further. We customize all of our payment plans to fit into our clients’ budgets. This helps ensure that our clients will be able to afford their loved one’s bail bond, and in turn, removes a lot of stress from the client.