23 May Posting Bail Doesn’t Have to Be Expensive
Most people are aware of just how expensive bail can be, however, many are still surprised at exactly how much bail can cost. Here in California, bail costs several thousands of dollars at its cheapest. If you are like most people, you don’t have that kind of money lying around. Luckily, there is a way to make posting bail more affordable, and it comes with help from professionals.
The cheapest and most affordable way to post bail in California is with a bail bond from Van Pool Bail Bonds in Richmond. We provide our clients with an affordable alternative. Our bail bonds only cost 10% of the bail they are for. This means that just by coming to us for help, our clients save 90% on the cost of rescuing their loved one from jail.
If your loved one’s bail is set at $20,000 and you get a bail bond from us, you will only have to pay $2,000. What’s more, you will be able to pay that $2,000 off with a personalized payment plan. This way, the cost is broken up and spread out over several months and your loved one still gets out of jail right away.
Once we receive the first payment, we send one of our agents to the jail to secure your loved one’s release. Depending on the size of the jail, this can take anywhere from a few hours to a day. No matter how long it takes, you can rest easy knowing that your loved one will be out of jail soon.
Aside from affordable bail help, we also provide the following for our clients:
• 20% Discount
• Phone approvals
• 0% Interest payment plans
• No hidden fees
• No collateral with working signer
• Se habla Español
If you are worried about the cost of bailing a friend or family member out of jail, contact Van Pool Bail Bonds in Richmond. We have been helping Californians afford bail for over three decades and can help you too. With our professional bail agents at your side, you will see that you have nothing to worry about.