Whenever you need to make a deal with a company that involves a lot of money, collateral is usually required. The need for collateral can cause a lot of stress for the person pledging it. After all, they risk losing whatever they pledged if they miss a payment.
When it comes to bail bonds, many companies require their clients pledge something as collateral. This takes an already stressful situation, and can make it much more difficult for people to bail their friends and family members out of jail. That is why we do not force our clients to pledge collateral at Van Pool Bail Bonds in Richmond.
At Van Pool Bail Bonds in Richmond, we trust our clients. All we need as collateral for a bail bond is the signature of a working co-signer. We do not need a house, car, or other expensive items. As long as a working co-signer signs for the bond, we know that you will make your payments on time.
By not requiring collateral, we are able to help alleviate some of our clients’ stress. They no longer have to worry about losing something of theirs. Instead, our clients can focus on what’s truly important, which is helping their loved one get through this difficult time.
If you want a cheap bail bond that does not need collateral, contact the professionals here at Van Pool Bail Bonds in Richmond. We have been helping Californians with affordable bail bonds for 30 years now. We know the best ways to assist our clients, and make the bail bond process as stress free as possible.