Many people nowadays are living paycheck to paycheck. They do not have excess money to spend on frivolous things. They know exactly where each part of their paycheck is going before they have even received it. This can make it extremely difficult to pay for any unexpected expenses, like the arrest of a loved one.
When you do not have money to spare, it can be hard to try and bail a friend or family member out of jail. However, you do not want to abandon your loved one and leave them in a jail cell. So you set out to find a bail bond company that will work with you and offer you a good deal.
You need a bail bond company that can give you a bail bond with as little down payment as possible. Lucky for you, there is Van Pool Bail Bonds in El Cerrito. We offer all clients customized payment plans that fit their budget. We even offer qualified clients no money down bail bonds. On top of this, all of our bail bonds have 0% interest, which means the cost of the bail bond will never go up.
If a client has good credit and good co-signers, we can offer them a 0% down bail bond. This means that they would not have to pay any money to get their loved one out of jail that day. A month after their loved one has been released is when they would make their first payment on the bail bond. Here at Van Pool Bail Bonds in El Cerrito, we find that this gives our clients the time they need to gather the necessary funds to make payments.
If you are struggling to afford your loved one’s bail, contact Van Pool Bail Bonds in El Cerrito. We do everything that we can to make bailing a friend or family member out of jail as affordable as possible. We even offer free consultations so you can always call to ask questions.