When someone that you care about is in trouble, you will do everything that you can to help him. No matter what you have to do, you will aid your loved one. This even includes bailing him out of jail. The initial call may have surprised you, but you are not going to let that shock stop you. You will get your loved one out of jail.
Facing bail on your own can be tough, which is why you should get someone to help you. The best place to find professional bail help in California is here at Van Pool Bail Bonds in Richmond. Over the past 30 years, we have helped thousands of Californians deal with bail. Let us help you too. We will show you that bail doesn’t have to be stressful.
One of the biggest causes of stress with bail is the cost. Bail is usually set at several thousands of dollars here in California. This price puts it well out of reach of the average individual, which is why we recommend getting a bail bond from Van Pool Bail Bonds in Richmond. Our bonds only cost 10% of the full price of the bail, meaning you get a 90% discount.
On top of getting a huge discount right of the bat, you can also get a personalized payment plan. A bail agent will work with you to create this plan so that it fits within your unique budget. The cost of the bail bond will be broken up and spread out over several months, reducing the upfront cost. In addition, your loved one will still be released from jail after you make the first payment.
Here at Van Pool Bail Bonds in Richmond, we know how stressful it can be to try to bail someone out of jail. We try to do everything that we can to reduce that stress. One of the best ways to do that is to reduce the cost of bailing someone out of jail. That is why our bail bonds only cost 10% of the bail they are for.