Did You Know Bail Bonds Can Be Cheap and Affordable?

Did You Know Bail Bonds Can Be Cheap and Affordable?

Bail Bonds are an intimidating thought for a lot of people. Not only do they mean that a friend or family member was arrested, but that a lot of money needs to be paid. However, if you find the right bail agent, paying for the bail bond will not be difficult. The right bail agent can provide discounts and affordable payment options for their clients.

Here at Van Pool Bail Bonds in Berkeley, we know that paying for bail isn’t easy, which is why we provide Californians with bail bonds. Bail bonds only cost 10% of the bail that they are for, which is much cheaper than paying for the bail yourself. However, we do not stop there. We also provide discounts for qualified clients and personalized payment plans for everyone.

If one of the co-signers for the bail bond meets one of the following requirements, then the bail bond will only cost 8% of the bail, not the usual 10%. To qualify, one of the co-signers needs to:

• Be a union member.
• Be a military member.
• Be a member of AARP.
• Be a homeowner.
• Have a private attorney.

So long as one of those requirements is met, you can get a discount on the price of the bail bond.

Even with the discount, trying to pay for the bail bond all at once can be a bit tricky. After all, this wasn’t an expense that you were planning on, it just showed up out of the blue. We understand this at Van Pool Bail Bonds in Berkeley, and provide personalized payment plans for all of our clients. This way, the upfront cost of the bail bond will be split up and spread out over several months.

If you suddenly need to bail a friend or family member out of jail, do not worry about the cost. Van Pool Bail Bonds in Berkeley will help you rescue your loved one from jail with a cheap and affordable bail bond. With our help, you will be able to rescue your friend from jail without worrying about the impact it will have on your bank account.

You can get a free consultation by calling 510-761-9934 or by clicking Chat With Us now.